Friday, June 12, 2009

RAW to RICHES - 7 Easy steps to making Millions by becoming a Raw Entrepreneur

Are you tired of sitting on your computer reading about the endless conversion of nerds to millionaires? Are you sick of seeing small time people becoming huge overnight successes with thousands of followers on their blog or youtube channel? Do you want your own shot at fame, power and wealth? Do you want to make a difference in the world?

If your answer is yes, then you've come to the right place!

Hi, and welcome to my e-tutorial entitled; RAW TO RICHES!

Right here, right now, we are going to work together to turn your life around. Why? Because you deserve it. Yes, that's right.. You deserve it.. You may find it hard to believe but you do deserve to have everything that you've ever wanted in life. You truly deserve to be, do and have everything that you have ever dreamed about...

And now friends, I am going to show you how!

If you follow my patented 7 easy steps you will be well on your way to creating the life that you deserve. What I like to call: "The best life ever!"

So follow me as we go on the journey from: RAW to RICHES!!!!!!!!

Step 1. Find your theme.
This is your new brand. Your "theme" is the image of Your New Company! The face that will take you from where you are now, to where you want to be. Find a theme that has "RAW" in the title. Make your theme attract your audiences attention by appealing to higher motives by using key words such as "Health", "Power" and "Transformation" in your title.

Alternatively, you may want your theme to reach a wider audience by appealing to the sexual urge, in people. In this case, use a theme that attracts by encouraging voyeuristic types with names such as "Sexy bitches like it Raw". "Give it to me Raw." or "Naked Food Life".

Another way to find your winning theme is to try your hand at creating a new word, by combining the word "raw" with another word suitable to your cause.. Examples are; "Rawsome", "Rawcumentary", "Rawk and Roll"..

You may decide that you also want to become a celebrity while on the journey from raw to riches, in this case you may find a name to showcase your new "raw" personality. Try adding the word "raw" in front of your present name or select a new name that best alludes to your niche in this rapidly growing and lucrative market. Examples include; "RawRider", "DurianModel", "RawFred"..

Step 2. Own it.
Once you have found your winning theme you must register it as a domain name. Go to and secure your new name.. The millions of dollars that you are going to make from your own Raw to Riches journey, will come directly from the traffic that visits your website. If your original million dollar raw title has been taken, go back and repeat step 1.

Never under any circumstances register any domain name other than yourname.COM Domains which end in .net, .tv, .biz, are for losers. You do not want to be a loser. You are a winner. For ultimate exposure and wealth creation, be sure to only register a name with the ".com" suffix.

Now, go and build your own Raw to Riches Website around your new Theme!

Step 3. Get Connected.
To make it on your path from Raw to Riches, your greatest asset is people. People have money, and money is what you want, so it is with people that you must ally yourself with if you are to make your millions.

Try finding large networks of people who are already interested in the ideas that you are wanting to sell. Look for online social networks, who's communities are filled with people sensitive to your cause. It is much easier to make money from those who already agree with you then to convert others to your way of thinking.

Once you have found your community you must build your network. Make as many friends as possible by writing short messages to members and requesting their friendship.

Use applications such as twitter so that you can keep all your "friends" updated with your raw adventures throughout the day. Tweets like "Eating orgasmic cacao beans.. Im in Bliss.." , "Im in Durian heaven..." or "Raw and Loving It" will begin to attract the desired attention.

Once you have created a large enough base of "friends", you are ready to begin the next step.

Step 4. You Tube.
No Raw to Riches millionaire can climb to the peak of the mountain of wealth without their very own YouTube video.

What will yours be.......?

Why not document your raw food journey? Or how about showing the world how to make your own version of a "green smoothie". Perhaps you could film yourself walking through a vegetable garden, or get the camera to follow you as you "hunt" down some exotic fruit in the wild. If that style of video is not to your liking why not film your own roadside discourse on the meaning of life, or create a humorous "spoof" on the raw food scene. The possibilities are endless.... Broadcast yourself!

Step 5. Write your own ebook.
If there is one group of people who are respected in this world, then it is writers. People like to read, and possibly even more than they like to read, they love to know authors.. You can become someone people love by writing your very own ebook.. And now it is simpler than ever. What is the secret of evolution? Adaptation... And that same secret will help you write your very own ebook. There's no need to do years of scientific research or personal studies, just "stand on the shoulders of giants" by reading a few books and then repackaging the same information in a new form: a new book with a new title! Be sure to offer this book free from your website to all those who provide you with an email address so that you can bombard their email account with various offers at a later date.

Step 6. Your products.
You may think that it would be near impossible to sell food and related products to people who eat food in its natural state, however, if you think that, you would be very much mistaken... In fact, once people click onto the idea that eating raw is good and that it helps to save the planet, why, there are innumerable products which you can package and then sell. Products which your eager network will be itching to get their planet saving hands on. From masticating juicers to 3 horsepower blenders, detox programs and cleanses to exotic packaged fruits, seeds and nuts. And lets not forget the biggest money maker of all ( and my personal favorite): SuperFoods!

If you can get it into a bag, bottle or some other form of plastic without heating it over 118 degrees fahrenheit, then congratulations my friend, because you have got yourself a "raw" product!

But don't be fooled into limiting yourself, its not only "raw" food and related products you can sell. This, friends, is just the start! Being a Raw to Riches Millionaire, you will also want to roll out your repackaged "raw" information in the form of DVDs, Hard Copy books, Health Programs, Online Coaching, Affirmation Cards, Calendars & Personal Planners...

Once you have created your very own line of products you can now complete the pinnacle of the Raw to Riches Program.....

Step 7. Creating your Own Retreat.
Now you are in the ultimate position. You have walked the mountain trail and scaled the summit. At this point you have created your theme, you've secured your domain name and built your website. You should have already created your network, broadcast yourself on YouTube and written your ebook. By now your products are rolling of the production line and selling faster than Durian at a Raw Spirit Festival! Now is the time to do what any self respecting Raw to Riches millionaire would do; build your very own raw retreat.

By building your own raw retreat, you will secure your position in the Raw Food World as an industry great. Within the hearts and minds of all raw fooder's is the dream that someday they will own a little piece of paradise to frolic in the sun, eating only the rawest of raw foods, straight from their organic permaculture designed gardens, while kicking back in their eco-designed bungalows and pooping in their very own compost toilet.

The best part is, that although most people will never be in a position to create and live in this environment, they will however, spend thousands of dollars just to stay at one for as little as 7-10 days.

To complete the 7th and final step, first choose one of three tropical locations..
1. Hawaii
2. Costa Rica
3. Bali.

Secure your land at a ridiculously low price from a struggling family and then contract local workers to construct, from virgin rain forest, your very own "dream eco/health/raw food destination".

Once construction is complete your retreat then becomes your "Training/Learning Centre", for educating the world on the use of your own patented "raw food" program. Once you have built your retreat and created your training program you may then certify your students or "guests" with your very own accreditation, so they can go out into their community, teaching your methods and further promoting your products.

With this step alone, you have created a whole force of ready and willing salesmen and women who will go on to do much of the work that would have been impossible to do alone. In essence you have duplicated your efforts exponentially to the number of people that you certify. Each one an active participant in your acquiring of wealth. As your army of crusaders increases, be prepared to increase dramatically your production and sales of products.. It is quite possible now, that you may be entering a place where few gone before you..

To the heights and greatness of: The Raw Billionaire!

With these 7 easy to follow steps, you too may follow the path to wealth and your very own raw to riches story, and begin to live the best life ever! We love living the RAW to RICHES lifestyle, and we certainly hope to see you here someday.

In the meantime don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter, jammed packed full of useless information, flashy images, hear-say and opinions, designed first and foremost get you to buy more things that you really don't need.

Lets all get together and help save the planet from ourselves!



  1. Ha, love the celebrity merging of names together...DurianModel? I dont think that was just a co-inky-dink of particular names being added together. funny! :)

  2. "Or how about showing the world how to make your own version of a "green smoothie".
    Aww, man, you totally nabbed my idea, I was gonna do that and now you ruined it.
    This is all so clear now, 1000 rawntrepreneurs all selling the same powders to each other and trading time at each others retreats. Holy Mountain assembly line!

  3. I really enjoyed this post, laughed out loud several times. You have hit the nail so perfectly, squarely on the head with this one. What an absurdity people can make out of something that should be really simple. I love eating raw food, but I don't enjoy the idea of "making money off raw". Totally turned off by it actually. Raw food sites and blogs are most compelling when people are freely sharing from the heart. Once it all tilts more and more toward a money making proposition it quickly loses its soul and feels more and more coercive and manipulative.

    How ridiculous to go on and on about eating locally and being green while shipping prepackaged items all over the country. It's not that hard to make an energy bar! And we lose the soulful connection with our food when just ripping open another package.

    I have been caught more than once in the "sign up for my free newsletter and get my free ebook" trick. Free newsletter = product promotion and marketing wrapped in a small amt of repackaged info I already knew anyway. Free ebook (how many "recipes" do I need for almond milk and zucchini pasta marinara anyway?) = constant bombardment with emails to buy this or that. Thank goodness for the "unsubscribe" button. I'm stopping since I'm just repeating what you've already said so clearly. Thanks again for this! I may frame a copy -attributed to you of course - just as a reminder of the unholy mess humans can make of a beautiful idea.
