Well now it looks like I have been called out.... My number's up. Im in the firing line now. Im being forced to stand by my hypothesis; that a raw, plant based diet is the ultimate for natural health and fitness...
I have just received this email from one of my most healthy and enlightened friends. A CHALLENGE to see what is the optimum diet for health and fitness... And having put it out there, my best mate is making sure I stay true to my word, and the path I have chosen to walk...
Check out what he wrote:
"So I had an idea. A challenge.
You ready?
In a nutshell :
I'll eat meat, you eat veg, and we'll monitor our body as it transforms and see ...what we see.
Basically since I have been solo here I have been enjoying eating exactly what I want to eat, and how i like to eat it. It's not a very radical program but I think a lot of people will think it is. Crazy.
So for now I' going to tell you what i eat, and when I have more time (probably next week) we can make it a part of your blog. Do it properly.
Or maybe if i tell you now, you can add it in your words. I'll get some photos of me and over the next say, 3 months i reckon, i'll take the same shot each month or fortnightly or whatever.
So here's my current program:
1st thing i put in my body most days is a glass of water. Then a smoothie with banana, papaya, almonds, raw egg, spirulina and water. YUM. oh yeah sometimes honey too.
next meal varies (because of my shift work program), but over the course of one day i generally eat the following foods:
whole rolled oats
oat bran
sometimes cinnamon and other spices
---- ie porridge.
i eat mostly salads comprising raw spinach/silverbeet, raw beetroot (i'm gonna stop saying raw coz it's all raw), carrots, celery, rocket, lettuce, broccoli, capsicum. i never eat tomato. sometimes more nuts , always extra virgin olive oil, salt, sometimes balsamic vinegar, sometimes apple cider vinegar, sometimes lemon juice. sometimes honey and mustard also.
i eat this with either kangaroo meat or fresh fish.
sometimes ie. once or twice a week, i eat brown rice. sometimes quinoa.
sometimes i eat bread made from spelt and very occasionally i eat wheat.
i snack on heaps of fruit such as banana, grapes, apples, stone fruits (in season), pears. sometimes cheddar cheese too. dried figs, prunes, dates, gojis often too.
that's pretty much all i eat. i sometimes treat myself to sugar such as chocolate covered ginger. but i rarely eat refined sugar.
i virtually never drink milk. i sometimes have rice milk or soy milk. i often drink chai, sometimes coffee, often peppermint 'tea'.
yeah i guess that's about all i eat.
i have rare moments where i will eat other stuff like sandwich with white bread from a shop or pasta or.... i dunno, not much though.
oh yeah i very occasionally have a beer, or a glass of wine.
for the purpose of this challenge i will continue this casual approach to a healthy diet.
i do yoga once or twice a week, weight training about twice each week, and surfing about 2-4 times each week. I casually ride a bicycle about 20km/week.
i'd like to compare your program bro. if you do roughly the same amount of 'strenuous' exercise but keep away from meat and processed food. we should do body fat analyses, and report our height/weight etc etc. and take some photos.
whaddya reckon?
Brad. "
Now I tell you what, Im excited, Im frothing at the bit. But Im also petrified. Deep down this is what I have been longing for, a bit of pressure, a reason, a challenge. However, I was rather hoping to avoid it, if at all possible... :o)
To top it all off, Brad is one of the fittest and healthiest guys that I know...!!
So, now that the stakes have been raised, now I am being forced to stand by and be judged by my convictions and my actions, this whole "raw fitness experiment" thing might start to get just a little more fun!
Keep tuned,
Josh :o)
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