Monday, June 15, 2009

Wish you were here...

God damn the internet.. One day I am really gonna do it... Im finally gonna leave this all behind.. Sometime in the (not too distant) future Im going to shut down my macbook and log out of this virtual world for the very last time...

Now, if Im not mistaken, then like me, you too at some point in the last 5 years, have been taken away by the idea of the "Law of Attraction". And as I did, no doubt you became privy to it (and furiously continued to devour it), through movies such "What the Bleep", and "The Secret". You too, probably also began adding to your library, many titles from the long list of similarly themed books, cd's, dvd's & seminars, and continue to receive a variety of bombardment emails from so many others who have come along to cash in on the hype. Perhaps you were into it "way before anyone else even knew about it..." or maybe you came across the "source" material or more "spiritual" versions of it. Either way, Im sure, that just like me, you've been busy manifesting away and eagerly tuning your vibration into that of health, wealth and abundance..

So, now that we're all feverishly visualizing our millions of dollars, walking around with gratitude stones in our pockets and taping our very own hand made "million dollar bill" to our vision boards (right in between the picture of the dream house, dream car and soul mate.), now they bring out: Zeitgeist...

And Ive got to tell you, I am pissed..

Just when I was on the verge of manifesting my millions, just when I had begun to understand my emotional guidance system and had aligned my feelings with my thoughts and desires, just when I had finally put the whole thing together and it was all within my reach, they bring out this..

If you're up to date in these virtual times, then no doubt you've already seen it and sent the download link to all the people in your email and facebook accounts. Both the 1st and 2nd part (addendum) had me on the edge of my chair hurling abuse, at the unseen but ever present forces that control and enslave the world.

However, if you truly want to keep people trapped and enslaved, you don't need to trick them by creating a monetary system that is based on and creates infinite debt, you don't need to build an elaborate web of lies and institutions to keep them fooled, you don't even need to fake a terrorist attack and use the media to control public opinion as an means to quickly change laws that take away their basic freedoms, all you need to do, if you really want to keep people enslaved is: confuse the hell out of them.

And to create confusion all one simply need's to do is state 2 totally agreeable, while at the same time, polar ideas.

Now if Ive got this right.... On one hand Im being told that i can create infinite wealth, that if i just tune my vibration into that of infinite abundance then I will manifest all that i desire, and that within the vibration of abundance there is always enough for everyone... Money, they tell us, is just another form of energy, and we (humans), are just receivers and transmitters of energy. Furthermore, we're told, that the circulation of money is nothing more than the flowing of energy...

But right on the other hand, we have someone else telling us that the system and society which we mold our lives around, the system that governs our world, the international monetary system, is a manufactured form of slavery. That this system is a scheme devised and made to run at a constant debt to keep the world bankers and those crafty illuminati folk, flush with land, money, power and wealth, while the rest of us struggle in economic bondage. And more so, were told, that this whole economic system is at the very core of the worlds problems of war, starvation, disease, sickness, pollution & environmental destruction.

So, what I want to know now, what I cant seem to get my head around just yet is: how will it ever be vibrationally possible for me to align myself with wealth, when I have been so thoroughly convinced that the fractional reserve system which our money and therefore our lives are based on, is the most evil, cunning and life destroying enemy that the human race has ever faced?

Confused? Well, my head spins as I write this, to say the least..........

Because its not just Zeitgeist that Ive seen... I've watched Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth too... I know all about global warming now, Im armed with statistics, graphs and pie charts and Im pretty convinced about the effect globalization and energy consumption is having on the earth. And on top of it all, there's that whole 2012 Mayan prophecy thing (that Im not really so sure about), which seems to be foretelling our impending doom.

Somehow it feels like we're all playing the end game, as if we're counting down the last remaining seconds to full time, extinction, or at least the end of life as we presently know it. Will we annihilate ourselves? Continue evolving with no limit to our progress? Or, will we finally come together as one people and create a new earth based on peace and love? The betting is on for when and how its all going to go down.. But no one really knows for sure which side of the fence to sit upon.

So that leaves us here, caught in the middle, desperately trying escape the matrix of the social economic enslavement system, while feverishly striving to make our millions, so that we can continue to consume an unending amount of material junk, while we go about saving the planet.. It seems like the more we do, the more tangled in the web we become..

In our last ditch efforts to save ourselves, we have all turned to the internet. Hoping to connect with like minded people. People just like you and me, who have opened our eyes to truth, or at least some version of it. Truths such as: we create our own reality, that we are destroying the planet with our consumeristic lifestyles, we are governed by the corporat-ocrasy, and that we all need to do something about it, fast..... So we log on and log in to our facebook accounts, we send each other links to environmental documentaries, we make you tube videos and slap each other on the back for our new dietary habits, eco-business ideas, and for wearing the latest "organic" fashion.

But when it all comes down to it, is any of this stuff really making a difference?

Does being connected to the internet bring us closer to that which we really want?

Because Ive got the sneaking suspicion that it is actually taking me further and further away... The more connected I am here, it seems, the more disconnected I am from the natural world. The more time I spend on my computer trying connect with others to save the world, the more time I am away from actually enjoying the beauty and wonder of it... The more time Im inside sending messages and skyping about how good it is to be outside and living life - the less Im actually doing it..

Its all rather ironic...

If Im truly honest about it, my vision of a better planet doesn't include my beloved laptop. It doesn't include Google, Facebook, YouTube or any one of the other wonderful new web applications appearing daily online... And it certainly doesn't involve me sitting in front of a screen for hours and hours on end, day after day connecting with the world in here instead of the world out there...

My vision for a better planet is much more simple and far less complicated.... No Laptop, No Passwords, No Speedy Wi-Fi connection.

All it requires, is for me to log in to the moment, to sign in to my real life account, connect with the friends in my 3 dimensional social network and BE HERE NOW....

Wish you were here.... :o)


  1. VERY well said! ... i've thought the very same things ...

  2. I certainly hope by now you have largely left the internet scene as you described in this post. Ironic to post a comment and sincerely hope the author of the post never sees it because he is so engaged in his beautiful, right-in-front-of-him, present life. Including the beauty of his infant son. This post has inspired me greatly. I'm not active on any social networking sites, and I've been imagining in recent months that at some point in the not too distant future we will reach some critical point of total over saturation and start to throw all this stuff over and out the window. Already hearing about services that will go in for a fee and kill your facebook account and persona for you. In spite of not being involved with social networking, I have spent countless hours on the internet and watching You Tube videos. I tell myself I'm looking for support and inspiration, but really I'm avoiding doing things and procrastinating and missing out on a lot of my non virtual life. Just now I'm drinking soda, and ate a handful of nuts. I haven't prepared my morning smoothie or juice or eaten fruit because I couldn't tear myself away from the computer to do so! Haven't been out for a walk, done yoga, written to a friend who took the time to reach out and send me a lovely card. All life affirming activities. Man, oh man what a waste. Thanks for this wonderful post of yours. I'm signing off as soon as I post my comment. My poor cat has been whimpering for attention, my neck is stiff, and I'm feeling sick from this stupid soda. Thanks again for your post, my friend. Wishing you a blissful, happy time in your real life three dimensional world.
