Riding The Cosmic Wave....
Im a surfer... Well, I mean that I can surf... Its just that I've have had kind of an on and off relationship with it.. It started when I was 12 getting pushed into some white water by a friend's dad on an old, beat up surfboard. 6 months later I quit, I then took what is considered a "step back" on the surfer's evolutionary scale, and I become a body boarder, before eventually, having the good sense to take it back up at the age of 16.
Since then, Ive had periods of 6-12 months at a time, surfing everyday, then stopping momentarily while pursuing other interests, then coming back to it only to put it down, pick it up and repeat the cycle once again..
Mostly, through my life however, I have tried to put myself in situations where there is the promise of good waves, for example the last few years I have been living in Bali, one of the true paradises for any surfer. However, there are still times in my life, such as now, here in Chile (where we're expecting our first son any day now), when I am not actively making the effort to look for waves and spend time in the magical world of the ocean.
At the core of it, when all the work is done, if I were to live my life exactly as I would choose, I would be sailing around the world on my own boat, surfing perfect waves with my family and friends, and finding a tropical island on which to live in the wild, eating fruit, nuts, berries and veggies straight from the plants...
The life of a surfer, a real surfer, one who lives for the sole purpose of searching for waves and riding the mystical energy of the ocean, must truly be one of the most perfect and aesthetically pleasing lives that one may be able to live..
What could be more beautiful then waking up to watch the sun rise? Playing with those you love in the unspoiled beauty of nature? Traveling the world, meeting new cultures and experiencing the many and varied faces of the planet earth..?
Not solely for the poetic beauty of such an existence, surfing itself has got to be one of the ultimate workouts and fitness producing endeavors, using just about every muscle in the body, increasing strength, cardio fitness, lung capacity, and it keeps one close to the valuable healing ions of the sea.. All things associated with good health.. On top of that, it is also a whole lot of fun!
Anyway, the point is, Ive just had some great news!
Im actually in the process of making a bit of a cosmic deal..
You know how everyone has been talking about the Secret & Law of Attraction? Well if you look back a bit, one of the first people to mention and spread the message of the Law of Attraction was Napoleon Hill. If you check out his earlier work, way back in 1927, he always said that the "rendering of service", "taking initiative" and "giving something more", were a few of the keys to the "Golden Rule".
When you get down to the basics of it all, Its all about energy. "That's nothing new", I hear you say... "They've all told us that before.." And you're right.... We all know that its all about energy, but more specifically, its about about 2 things: 1. The energy that is coming to you, and 2. The energy that is coming from you.
And then to notice: How is this energy the flowing?
But sometimes, we need to go a little further back and ask ourselves something more important: Is the energy flowing?
One thing that many self-help gurus and new age philosophers forget to tell us in their messages of success and happiness, is a way how to (without purchasing any of their products), get energy to flow.. How to get energy flowing in, and keep that energy flowing out.. And just in case you haven't already heard.. The best way to begin to get the energy to flow is to: give something..
You literally have to give before you get...
For energy to Flow, there must be an exchange... To receive - One must give. To Give - One must receive. Without this exchange, we are left with what amounts to some form of emotional or energetic debt. Stagnation, Depression, Isolation, Disease, Loneliness..
Stagnant energy is the breeding ground of sickness and disease. Have you ever seen a swamp full of mosquitoes?
You don't even have to give a lot... Just begin with something simple....
For example; If you're sick, what is it that you are not giving in return for your health? What are you not giving your body in return for good health? Exchange something. Give the gift of Raw Food, Exercise and Care to your body, and your body must complete the transaction..
If you are depressed, what is it that you are not giving your mind in return for happiness? What exchange are you willing to make? Which thoughts are you willing to give your mind, so that it will give you peace, strength, clarity, happiness, faith, love and joy in return?
There's an old phrase that you've probably heard before: Never Accept the Free Lunch.
If I were to put it into my own translation, one way to see it is that; whenever you receive something, you will inevitably have to give something in return. So, be sure to know what the exchange of energy will be. As inevitably, there is always an exchange of some kind.
Everything thing in life has two parts that need to find balance. With every action, there is a reaction. So too with every gift given. When you receive a gift from someone, naturally you feel to give something back to whoever first gave you the gift, If you give nothing in return you may eventually feel a little awkward or uncomfortable around them, feeling like you owe them something... (You know, like those people that you didn't even send a thank you card to, and that you seem to avoid whenever they call!)
That feeling of owing is the feeling of energetic debt. Because, you haven't completed the energetic transaction. You haven't yet given anything for what you received. The energy hasn't flowed. And in doing so you haven't received the gift in its fullness.
Part of the gift of life is feeling the joy of being able to give... No matter who we are, where we are, or who we are with, there is something that we can give... And in the process our our giving, it will bring more of what we want into our lives.
If the Law of Attraction, Napoleon Hill and this idea of "never accepting the free lunch" are here to serve as guides along the path of life, I'm getting the feeling that they are leading me to this; if all things are energy, and all my experiences are energetic in nature, then, to increase the flow of energy in my experience, I must first be willing to give and direct the energy that I already have.
The truth I choose to imagine is, everything is waiting right here for us. Whatever it is that you want. You can have it.. There's more than we can even imagine, trying to make its way in our life, this very moment, if only we are willing to make some space for it, by allowing the energy to flow.. The exchange has to be fair.. Make space for more by first giving more of what you already have...
So anyway.. Back to my Cosmic Deal. What the heck is a "Cosmic Deal'? I hear you ask.
Well a Cosmic Deal is about the deal you make for your own life... "What am I willing to give to life to get that which I want back from life?"
What it really comes down to is asking these simple questions....
*What is it that I want from life?
*What is the change that I wish to see in the world?
*What am I going to do to be that change?
Once you answer that... Well, that's It... That's the job.... That's the mission. That's the Goal.. That's the meaning of your Life.. That, my friends, is what is known as your cosmic deal....
You give, you create, you share, you let the energy flow and life comes in and showers you with more..... Guaranteed!
So...... Ive finally came up with an idea that I think is a pretty fair trade off with God, the Universe and the Infinite Cosmos... One that Ill think they'll all happily accept...
"The more I live the Life that I want - The more they'll give it to me..."
In other words... The more I choose to be the Change that I wish to see in the World - The more these Changes will become my Reality...
Now, Ive checked the fine print, and the terms of this deal are open ended. The Man Upstairs has given me as long as it takes to get there... Its all up to me... I can take it slow, or, I can choose to use each moment to bring me closer to what it is that I want...
And in the times where I choose to do nothing, I will feel hollow, empty, lonely and depressed, And when I choose to be the change, I will begin to see the change, and feel the change, and these moments will be filled with joy, love, peace and happiness...
Sounds pretty fair, right?
One part of my deal is to achieve and maintain great health while at the same time helping to create a healthier planet, and I reckon that Raw Food is probably one of the best things that I can do to help close my part of the deal a bit quicker...
So answering the question, What do I want from life? Like every good surfer, I just want to ride the Cosmic Wave.. To feel the endless flow of the infinite. To ride the ups and downs of what I want to give and what I want to receive, who I want to Be and what I want to Experience.. To me that is truly the ultimate ride.....
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